Conducting forums and seminars

Forums and seminars - these are events aimed at professional communication, obtaining new information, and discussing issues of interest. As a rule, at such events it is very good to make new acquaintances and find useful contacts. And sometimes even introduce yourself to new employers.

What does holding forums and seminars in St. Petersburg include?

The forum helps you learn new things and ask questions to people with the same interests. On the forum, you can look at a problem that interests you from a different angle thanks to other people who understand this topic. At a business forum you can present your services or products to everyone interested.

A seminar is an event at which participants give pre-prepared reports on a specific topic. Seminars can be divided into educational, business, scientific and so on. At business seminars you can learn a lot of new things, find not only like-minded people, but also future clients, and sometimes even partners. From a business development point of view, seminars are a useful event that has a lot of advantages.

  • Drawing up a plan for the entire event;

  • Choosing a place, presenters, waiters, hostesses;

  • Decorations of the event venue;

  • Connecting all equipment;

  • Creation of recreation areas, photo zones;

  • Organization of transfer;

  • Conducting a seminar;

  • Feedback.

  • To hold a successful forum, you first need to draw up an event plan, write a script and a creative concept;

  • Finding a suitable location;

  • Decorating the room, arranging furniture, installing equipment;

  • We hire presenters, order catering, and equip recreation areas for event guests;

  • We stay with you on the forum, monitor timings, and advise people. Just in case, we always have a plan B  

  • We take your feedback, give you photos and videos from the event

Advantages of holding forums and seminars in St. Petersburg

Forums and seminars are usually organized to resolve business issues. There can be many reasons for organizing these business events, but here are the issues they solve:
  • Loyalty to your company increases. From colleagues, business partners, clients;
  • You can quickly and directly convey information to your target audience;
  • You can find new business partners or employees for the company;
  • Your brand awareness increases. This is good advertising, especially if you created your business recently;
  • You can immediately take feedback from clients or partners;
  • At business forums and seminars you can learn a lot of new things and share your own experience;
  • You can ask all the questions you are interested in and get answers from professionals and consider the problem from different angles;
  • Uniting event guests, you will become a team until the end of the event.

Stages of organizing forums and seminars


Contact us yourself or leave a request on the website and managers will call you back;

Let's make an appointment

Managers will make an appointment for you online or offline. Whenever is convenient for you. It won't take long;

We are holding a meeting

Fill out our brief and tell us what kind of event you want to organize. This is necessary so that we understand each other and your event is exactly the way you want it to be;

Making a plan and getting ready

We create a creative concept for the holiday, decorative design, select a location, and draw up an estimate for the event. We decorate the room, draw up a minute-by-minute plan, bring equipment, hire the best contractors;


We make sure everything goes well, answer questions, and help guests. Just in case, we always have a plan B;


We give you photos and videos from the event. Let’s clarify what you liked more and what you liked less, what your wishes for the organization are and your emotions from the event.

Examples of events carried out

Code/R Conference
Code/R Conference
More details
Annual Conference
Annual Conference
More details
Conference "Beauty and Health"
Conference "Beauty and Health"
More details
Photo and video
Our principles
We value sincerity in everything we do and strive to establish trusting relationships with clients. Following high moral and ethical standards, we openly discuss our opportunities and offer transparent prices and conditions.
Our company is looking for creative ways to organize events and uses new technologies, including in conducting online events and selecting visual effects. We think creatively and strive to exceed our clients' expectations to make every event unique.
We understand that details are of utmost importance in business and corporate events. Therefore, we pay special attention to organizational and technical aspects, from timing to collecting feedback. Our goal is to provide impeccable quality events to ensure guests' satisfaction.
Our company prides itself on its ability to bring clients' ideas to life. We understand the importance of meeting obligations, so we complete all tasks on time. Our approach and team organization guarantee that events are carried out strictly in accordance with the intended goals.
Our team consists of professionals with more than 10 years of experience and knowledge in the event field. Our commitment to excellence helps us achieve high results in providing various services for business events and event marketing.